Land of the vast horizon ~ Gavin O'Loghlen & Cotters Bequest.
A mixture of Irish music, folk music and progressive rock, this new CD defines a new genre of progressive celtic music.

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Gavin O'Loghlen

The composer behind Cotters Bequest, Gavin started playing bagpipes at 11 years of age, and since then has added guitars, keyboards, flute, percussion, whistles and small pipes . Gavin is an published composer, lyricist and author of songs, operas and film scores who has successfully composed and performed on radio, TV and in theatre productions and bands. Gavin is the owner, producer and sound engineer of Locrian Records.

Angelee Theodoros

A classically trained singer, Angelee has completed a degree in music and has taught instrumental and choral music in schools. She has a wide range of musical backgrounds having performed music hall, classical, sacred music, contemporary, folk and orchestral.

Anne Dormer

Anne was born in Middlesex and came to Australia as a child. She is a successful artist designing and presenting a number of CD covers for independent releases. She has been playing bass guitar and keyboards for many years. She has been the founding member and bass player of Loch'rien and Cotters Bequest and various theatre groups.

Stephanie Graeber

An extremely talented violinist, Stephanie is a graduate of Elder Conservatorium. She was a founding member of Loch'rien and a four time winner of the Adelaide Eisteddfod. Stephanie now teaches violin.

Harry Theodoros

Born of Cypriot parents, Harry has an interest in ethnic folk music. He has played accordion and guitar since the age of ten. His background in music has been various from rock operas, rock 'n' roll and contemporary to choral, folk and bush bands. Harry plays a variety of acoustic and electric guitars, and accordion in a range of different styles.

Jack Brennan

Jack is regarded as Australia's premier player of the Uilleann pipes and is in great demand to play on a variety of recordings. He also performs in his own band "The O'Carolyn Quartet" and has recently released a solo album "Piper's Dream".

Suzannah Graeber

Suzannah has played violin since the age of three. Previous leader of string quartets, multiple prize winner at Adelaide Eisteddfods and winner of the Norman Sellick Memorial Prize - Most Promising Instrumentalist in SA . She plays in bluegrass, gospel, celtic and classical styles. Suzannah also plays bodhran and kalimba.

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