Land of the vast horizon ~ Gavin O'Loghlen & Cotters Bequest.
A mixture of Irish music, folk music and progressive rock, this new CD defines a new genre of progressive celtic music.

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Background to the songs

Tracks featured :

1. Port Adelaide 1854 - The Arrival

In 1854 Michael O'Loghlen, his wife Ellen and three young sons Michael James, Thomas and John arrived in Port Adelaide, South Australia aboard the ship "Joseph Rowan"
Like the debris that drifts on the ocean tide
like the flotsam that floats to the shore
we have packaged our dreams into tea chests of promises
over the oceans and over the seas
battered by tempests and becalmed in lees
we have mortgaged our past for deeds of expectancy
ceded our language, our culture, our lives
cut loose the chord, the umbilical ties
no retreat, no return.
Thirteen slow weeks of endless recitative
salted water world governs our lives
with our biscuits and bully beef, weevils and lemon juice
sweltered 'neath night's equatorial skies
slept above decks in a bid to survive
we then fathomed the forties wrapped in our overcoats
huddled below decks in mountainous seas
cold, damp and sea sick, we sort some reprieve
some retreat, some respite...
... we have burnt our boats this time.
Like clams on the rail we searched for the shore
wind in our hair, tears in our eyes
coastline of sandy dunes, no towns, no houses seen
are there people here?
Moored at the mouth, a muddy brown creek
mangroves as sentinels, guard our retreat
inching up with the tide
wharf one we draw aside - destiny we keep.

Final farewell, we're cast off hear "disembark"
like leaves, our past life floats down stream.
Skirts hoisted high we trudged through the mud
swampy tin town made of hessian and wood
footbridge to breach the tide into this world we stride
wood mills, smoke and smells.
Children fall ill, Port Admiral hotel
a black woman's cure "this is no place to dwell"
no roads, no railway tracks horse and dray, all up back
off to Adelaide.

Soft pastel sunset farewells our past
dirt track of promise winds into night
tea chests and great coats tattered and worn
past, present, future - our now is born.
Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, mandolin, drums, snare drums, bass, fretless bass, bodhran, percussion, keyboards, vocoders, programming, Prophet 5, smallpipes A, C and D, low D whistle, C & D whistles, Dudley 1880 accordeon, vocals
Anne Dormer : Vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals
Jack Brennan : D Uilleann pipes, C Northumbrian pipes
with many thanks to: Port Adelaide historical society.



2. The Peramangk - Time there was .....

By the time Michael O'Loghlen and his family left Port Adelaide to travel to Kapunda in 1854, the Peramangk tribe, who lived on the land over which he travelled, had almost ceased to exist. Wracked by white man's diseases, they were reduced to small camps dotted about the Adelaide Hills working as shepherds and labourers. Their way of life had been destroyed forever.
I now live in Peramangk country.
Time there was when I felt free so wonderful to be
Sounds and songs and signs lived here
so wonderful - so free
Time there was when I held dreams so wonderful to see
Tales of ancient lands so real so wonderful to me
Ngadjuri language
Alawara bunga bera
gadla be:la mutanga
wadla, budna
wala, bilda
nakuka'idla wadli
bungari janduwitjanu
bungari juru indata
English translation

Evening shadow moon
fire embers dance
wallaby, goanna
look at the camp
tribal country sunrise
tribal country blackfellows dead
Time there was when I lived here so wonderful - so free
Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Pianos, drums, bass, fretless bass, percussion, keyboards, programming, Prophet 5, vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals, cello
Stephanie Graeber : Violin
With many thanks to: Aboriginal education unit, Adele Pring, Ngadjuri language from the book "Ngadjuri"

3. Baker's Flat 1855 - Irish shanty towns

By 1855 Michael O'Loghlen and his family were living at Baker's Flat, a piece of land south of Kapunda which became a temporary shanty town for the Irish labourers who worked in the mines. The houses were made from tin, hessian, wood and brush from the surrounding bush.
Music written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, bodhran, percussion, keyboards, programming, highland pipes A, smallpipes A, D whistles.
Jack Brennan : Uilleann pipes D


4. Kapunda 1856 - The Cornish Miners

Copper was discovered first at Kapunda and it kept South Australia from bankruptcy. Skilled Cornish miners were needed to extract the copper from the narrow tunnels and shafts that were dug. The Cornish accounted for the greatest number of immigrants to South Australia during this period. Their descendants are now found throughout the mid north of South Australia. Michael O'Loghlen worked as a labourer in the mines.
And we came like blind moles
digging the ground, digging our holes
from our whitewashed coastline sailors of old
to this new green quick seam
chasing the load, chasing the load
we have come (Cousins Jacks)
with our men (and our sacks) and sons.
And we crouch like blind moles
deep in the ground, deep in our holes
with our mallets and picks, steel gads and bars
chasing the load
in this candle lit gloom the cradles are borne
down to the stopes where the mullock is thrown
for the tribute and pare
we have traded all chance of return.
Chasing the load, holding the seam
fighting the water and stemming the streams
raising the ore, winning the race
shovelling the flume and dissolving the waste
hand pick the prill, hammer it flat
bound for the smelters and melted
and black on the slag heaps we stand
with our fool's gold in hand
we survive.
Chasing the load, holding the seam
fighting the water and stemming the streams
raising the ore, winning the race
shovelling the flume and dissolving the waste
hand pick the prill, hammer it flat
bound for the smelters and melted
and black on the slag heaps we stand
with our fool's gold in hand
we succeed.
Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, bodhran, percussion, keyboards, vocoders, programming, smallpipes C and D, whistles D , vocals
Angelee Theodoros: Lead vocals
Anne Dormer : Vocals
Jack Brennan : Uilleann pipes
with many thanks to: Kapunda museum

5. The Burra 1861 - The Welsh Smelters

By 1861 Copper was also discovered at The Burra and in order to increase the profits it was decided to smelt the ore here in South Australia rather than ship it back to Wales. The Welsh were the master smeltermen of the world and they came here for a seven year tenure, some with their wives, most single men. Many could not speak English and spent seven years at The Burra with only each other for company. Michael O'Loghlen, now a farmer with a small property out of Kapunda, supplemented his income by carrying supplies from Kapunda to The Burra.
Govannan - master of fire
cauldren glows blows reign down
Children of Llyr toil in the deep
warden Bendegeit Bran the cauldren glows
Children of Don, white harp of fire
blows reign down Govannan the sky glows
With wings of sail we soar off to conquer foreign shores
we must follow the forge and streams of molten ore.
Left our women far behind and no families to remind us
each of our homes our language or our cause.
Seven years we signed for service some for fourteen, some deserted
made our way by bullock dray to The Burra mine.
Were no houses for us workers had to dig our creek bed shelters
knew no English, spoke in Welsh God what have we done.
Govannan the smith
Master of fire
Bendegeit Bran
Cauldron of life.
Thousand men who worked these smelters
stoked the ores the furnace melted
thousand tons of wood each week
fed the raging fire.
In the din and pandemonium belching flames and copper roasting
we would sing of ancient times songs inside our head
Govannan the smith
Master of fire
Bendegeit Bran
Cauldron of life
So in Paxton Square we prayed and in the Burra Hotel we saved
our voices for song the company of men.
But the mine ran down and failed and so back to Wales we sailed
our voices as one
the male choir had begun.
Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, bodhran, percussion, keyboards, vocoders, programming, vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals, cello
Stephanie Graeber : Violin
Anne Dormer : Vocals
with many thanks to: Jason Shute

6. Port Augusta 1869 - The Teamsters

In 1865 John Henry Cahill arrived in South Australia aboard the "Hougoumont" a young single man aged 17. After working at Riverton as a labourer, he based himself at Port Augusta as a teamster carrying supplies to the various properties that were developing in the area. He was later to live nearby in the stunning Flinders Ranges.
As vast as an ocean
as far as I can see
blue mountains frame
a blood red plain
'neath an azure sky.
Ravines dipped in honey
scent of morning dew
gorges of shale
and snake like trails
takes your breath away.
Like cards on a table
we're dealt the hands we choose
but blue mountain range
and blood red plain
is enough for me.
Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, percussion, Hammond, keyboards, highland pipes A, smallpipes D, Dudley 1880 accordeon, vocals
Jim Petkoff : Lead guitar
Jack Brennan : Uilleann pipes D
Stephanie Graeber : Violin
Harry Theodoros : Accordion


7. Gulnare 1872 - Death of the last born

Following the Strangways act of 1869, farmers were encouraged to move further north and develop properties. They could purchase the property for £1 per acre if they lived on the property for five years and built improvements to the value of 10 shillings per acre. Michael O'Loghlen bought a property at Gulnare in 1870 and settled there with his family which now included two more sons born at Kapunda. The youngest, Peter, died at Gulnare in 1872 at the age of 11 years.
Long ago, in some far dream land
I held you close, my new born child......
and the years that flowed
through broken, troubled nights
of fever, fatigue and pain......
and each new dawn
of smiling eyes and laughter....
we'd coaxed you from the grave.
what sense
what need
to heed the call
to give a life so small?
Take me.

Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Keyboards, electric guitars, drums, bass, percussion, D whistles, vocals
Stephanie Graeber : Violins
Jack Brennan : D Uilleann pipes
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals, cello
with many thanks to: Fr Chris Warnock, Michael & Robyn Kelly


8. Sevenhill 1873 - John Pallhüber SJ

The Jesuits settled at Sevenhill and created a church, school and seminary there. An Austrian Jesuit, John Pallhüber began to make solo journeys on horseback from Sevenhill up to the Flinders Ranges marrying couples, baptising babies and burying the dead. He made these journeys on rough outback tracks four times a year. John Pallhüber is mentioned in the will of Michael O'Loghlen "in token of respect and esteem". He also buried Michael O'Loghlen that year.
Aimen mit Blumen und Edelweiß
Wiesen mit Kräutern und Enzian
Kühle Quellen aus Gletschergrund
Rößlein, bringst Du mich hin?
Herrgott laß' mich die Almen noch schau'n
Laß' mich die Glocken der Kühe noch hör'n
Einmal noch fahren im weißen Schnee
Herrgott einmal noch im Leben.
English Translation
Meadows with flowers and Edelwiess
Meadows with herbs and Enzian
Cool springs flowing from glaciers
Little horse, you take me there.
Lord, let me see the meadows once more
Let me hear the cow bells again
once more driving through white snow
Lord just once more in my life.
Te Deum laudamus
Te Deum laudamus _ te Dominum confitemur
Te Deum laudamus
Te aeternum Patrem omnis terra veneratur
In hac mensa novi Regis
Novum Pascha novae Legis
Caro cibus, Sanguis potus vetus terminat.
Vetustatem novitas umbram fugat veritas
Quod non capis, quod non vides
Noctem lux eliminat.
Quod in Coena Christus gessit
Faciendum hoc expressit In sui memoriam;
Doctic sacris institutis panem, vinum
in salutis Consecramus hostiam.
English Translation
We praise Thee, O God
we acknowledge Thee to be the Lord
We praise Thee, O God
All the earth doth worship Thee
the Father everlasting
On this table of the new King
This the new Law's Paschal offering
Flesh from bread and Blood from wine
Brings to end the olden Rite.
Here, for empty shadows fled is Reality instead
Doth it pass thy comprehending?
Here instead of darkness, Light.
What He did at supper seated
Christ ordained to be repeated in his memory divine;
Wherefore we, with adoration
Thus the host of our salvation
Consecrate from bread and wine.
Music written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
German lyrics written by Magdalena and Gilbert Aue. Latin lyrics from Te Deum and Corpus Christi mass.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, bass, percussion, keyboards, vocoders, programming, D whistles, Dudley 1880 accordeon, vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Te Deum vocals
Anne Dormer : Corpus Christi vocals
Harry Theodoros: Accordion
with many thanks to: Fr Greg O'Kelly SJ, Magdalena and Gilbert Aue

9. Stephenston 1875 - The Spectulators Waltz

In 1875 the township of Stephenston was proclaimed. It was believed that the railway would pass through it and as a consequence there was a rush to buy property there. John Henry Cahill, now 27 years old, bought up to half the town at various stages. Alas, the railways passed four miles to the south, the town never propered and is now paddocks.
Music written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, percussion, keyboards, highland pipes A, smallpipes A
with many thanks to: Kath Donnellan, Maureen McColl


10. Knockatuna Quorn 1879 - The Farmers

In 1878 the township of Quorn was proclaimed and the great auction for land took place that year. John Henry Cahill bought two properties in Quorn in 1879 and christened them "Knockatuna" after the village in which he grew up in County Clare, Ireland. He was later to use that name for this farm 4 miles east of Quorn.
Song of the stonemason drifts on the breeze rattle of harness and Clydesdale
white wooden cottages grow from the ground, butcher, the baker, the candle ...
burns .... and we're rolling and rolling along.. with our heads high and hearts full of ...
Song of the rain as it follows the plough silos are bursting with new gold
breath of white steam, locomotion and schemes merge into promise and new found
land .... and we're rolling and rolling along.. with our heads high and hearts full of song
and we're rolling and rolling along.. with impossible dreams
Reins in the hands as the team moves on follow the plough, backs to the sun
Teamster, the butcher, the abattoir, stations and farms, life is ours to enjoy
Hooves pound the track as the race is run, bright diamond brooch that the filly has won
Kids ride the wind or thats how it seems, the future is ours
- with impossible, impossible dreams.
Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, percussion, keyboards, vocoders, programming, Prophet 5, smallpipes C, whistles and D, bagpipe chanter key of Eb, vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals
Jack Brennan : D Uilleann pipes.
with many thanks to: Ron and Roger Hilder, Kath Donnellan


11. Pichi Richi 1879 - The Railways

John Henry Cahill, as a teamster, worked on supplying the materials for the building of the Pichi Richi railway which would connect Quorn with Port Augusta and Adelaide. The line has again been reopened and now provides a wonderful historical journey with steam engines.
Music written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, bodhran, percussion, keyboards, highland pipes A, smallpipes A and D, low D whistles, D whistles.,

Jack Brennan : D Uilleann pipes, Swayne low D whistle.


12. Nantabra Hut 1895 - The Scottish Shepherds

By 1895 John Henry Cahill was a farmer, butcher, owned and ran the abattoir and decided to graze sheep by leasing Nantabra Hut, a station forty miles east of Hawker. A shepherd's hut was erected and a Scottish shepherd tended the sheep as they were moved from waterhole to well. Following the drought of the 1890's John Henry Cahill lost all his enterprises except for the farm "Knockatuna".
Scottish Gaelic
Cìobair an dois -
anns an dùthaich ùir.
Cìobair an dois -
fada bho a dhachaidh.
English translation
The bush shepherd
in a new country
The bush shepherd
far from his home
Blood red sands weep tears of ochre, river beds run dry, dingoes howl their piobaireachd
to the moon deep in the night
Camp fire flickers, dawn approaches dressed in scarlet plaid, frozen fingers stir
the oatmeal gruel - this is my life.

And its a long way from the Glens of Argyshire, to a wooden hut and saltbush through a trail
of mulga, mallee, pine and on we go through the bluebush and the haze to the woolshed well - so far from home
Scottish Gaelic
Laithean samhraidh tethe
Sudagan is strubag
A' ghrian air m'ghnuis
Tha an saorsa ann an seo
English translation
Hot days of summer
Damper and tea
The sun on my face
The freedom is here

Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Seonaidh MacFhraing : Scottish Gaelic translations
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, electric guitars, drums, bass, bodhran, percussion, keyboards, highland pipes A, smallpipes A, vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals
Robert Shaw : Dijeridu
Stephanie Graeber : Violin
Anne Dormer : Gaelic vocals
Harry Theodoros : Accordion

with many thanks to: Richard Warwick, Holowilena Station; Seonaidh MacFhraing

13. Udenyaka (Death Rock)

On 6 September 1911 John Henry Cahill died at the age of 63. His farm was failing and agriculture in the north of South Australia was a failure - it was not the grain bowl of Australia and the rain didn't follow the plough. Udenyaka is a large rock towering over a permanent waterhole. It was used by the Parnkalla people as a place where members who were dying were left with food and water, while the rest retreated a mile of so away. Udenyaka remains as a metaphor to two people's dreams.
I was born in Parnkalla country.
The dream is over a Celtic requiem
no screams of wailing banshees
just whimpered tales to tell.
Tea chests of expectation, a second Celtic home
old cultures in a new land
now dust within our hands.
I watch these grains of sand,
these empty children
all I see is Celtic servants,
Rainbow Serpents on the run.
The dreaming now is over, Yurlu's on the wing
Akarru's in his canyon and Yura Bila sing.
White sails on vast horizons
just passing through we thought
new cultures in an old land
we've passed our last resort.
I watch these ancient circles, windswept sarsens
all I see is stone engravings, runic totems
all I feel is ochre faces, woad adornings
all I know is five thousand years
of ancient wisdom will not die
Parnkalla language
Malakunna ninna
ngukanna warrulputu
wailbi kumanni
gadla murru pailba
yerta ngartendi
ngarring elbudninge -
ninna Parnkalitti
English translation
From the moment you
went on a journey
to the south west country alone
the camp fire embers died
You who inquire
of the land through us -
you are Parnkalla.
Its time to pass the baton
to children hand in hand
our own self preservation
the Kinsmen and the Clans.

Music and words written by Gavin O'Loghlen.
Parnkalla language from the book "Vocabulary of Parnkalla language - 1844" by C.W. Shürmann
Gavin O'Loghlen : Acoustic 6 & 12 string guitars, bass, percussion, keyboards, low D whistles, D whistles, vocals
Angelee Theodoros : Lead vocals, cello
Jack Brennan : D Uilleann pipes
with many thanks to: Aboriginal education unit, Adele Pring, Cliff Coulthard for inspiration.

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